Visual FlagShip Debugger Details and Screenshots
The integrated debugger supports you fully during the development and testing phase.
Some of the debugger features are:
Breakpoints: You may set any number
of breakpoints, step to next executable statement, step-in or step-over
an UDF, finish an UDF and stop in parent and continue to the next breakpont
if any.
Source: The corresponding source code
displays automatically at debugger break. You may additionally load any
source code and set breakponts there.
Callstack: you see the current calling
structure in a separate window. Click on the callstack item will display
the corresponding source code.
Variables: you can examine or change
any public, private, local or static variable, same as the object or self:
properties. A quick variable preview is available as well by simply move
the cursor on the corresponding part of your source code.
Databases: the currently used databases
are displayed, and any field contents can be modified by a simple mouse
Expressions: allows you to evaluate
an expression using visible variables and constants (like a
+ b - 10 or getObj:Pos += 5),
create new private variables (like myVar := myNum + 25 ),
execute a command (like @..SAY..or
USE MyData Index myIndex SHARED) or function
(like len(myStr) or MyUdf(myVar1,
myVar2) and so on). In short, it behaves like an interpreter...
All you need is to compile with the "debugger" switch -d
and run the application ...
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Note: the following screenshots are best visible with 800x600 or higher resolution
(Screenshot #1, displayed is 50%
of the image,
click for 100% image 1600x1200)
Click on the
"Back" button in your browser or here
to return to VFS preview.
(Screenshot #2, displayed is 80%
of the image,
click for 100% image 990x920)
Click on the
"Back" button in your browser or here
to return to VFS preview.
(Screenshot #3, displayed is 80%
click for 100% image 996x660)
Click on the
"Back" button in your browser or here
to return to VFS preview.
(Screenshot #4, displayed is 80%
of the image,
click for 100% image 1002x766)
Click on the
"Back" button in your browser or here
to return to VFS preview.